Having fun together

Having fun together

In the early years, you are your child’s favourite play partner. Have fun with your child, be playful and encourage their interests. This helps them to be confident and curious.

You don’t need special equipment or fancy toys. Your child will enjoy your attention, whether you are talking, singing, or rattling an object in front of them. With regular household objects (bowls, pots, spoons) and items in nature (pinecones, leaves) you can talk about colours, number, sizes, textures, etc. Pretending is another fun way to play with your child. When you pretend that one object is another, you are helping them develop their imagination. For example, pretend that a block is a car or a banana is a telephone.

As your child gets older, you can model things like waiting for a turn, sharing objects, solving problems, and following simple rules in a game. This will help your child learn how to cooperate and have fun with others.

grey wave shape


- When people want to help


0 - 6

Months - Playing with my baby


7 - 12

Months - Singing in the highchair


Age 1

- Playing with snow


Age 2

- Playing together and alone


Age 3

- Memory game


accent with rippling colours