My baby gets upset
For very young babies, crying is their main way of letting others know when they are upset or need something. And sometimes babies cry without a reason that you can see.
You can try to soothe a crying baby by singing, feeding, rocking, cuddling, or gently patting their back. However, sometimes nothing will comfort them, especially in the first few months of life.
As children get older and have other ways of communicating, they may cry or show they are upset when they are overwhelmed by big feelings like anger, sadness, or frustration. You can help them manage those feelings by being kind, staying calm, and naming their emotions (“you seem very sad”). Then you can talk to the child about what might help them calm down (“do you want to listen to some music or have a drink of water?”)
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- When I feel stressed, I can try to keep things simple and say “no” to things that aren’t important.
- I can talk to friends or family and ask for help when I need it.
- My health care provider is also someone I can turn to for help when I feel overwhelmed.
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- Sometimes my baby cries during diaper changes and other daily tasks.
- I don’t like when my baby is sad but these are things we have to do.
- I try to stay calm, use a soothing voice, and respect that my baby is upset sometimes.
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- Crying is one way my baby communicates.
- When I hold and cuddle my baby, I am providing comfort
- And showing my baby that I understand.
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- When my baby gets upset, I try different ways to help and then watch how my baby reacts.
- Holding my baby closely lets them know that I am there and that I care.
- I may offer a toy to see if my baby wants to play.
- And sometimes a song works wonders.
- I know that my toddler sometimes gets sad when a parent leaves the house.
- Waving goodbye and watching them leave helps my toddler understand what is happening.
- I try to be playful, offer distractions, and stay close.
- This usually helps my toddler adjust and not feel overwhelmed.
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- My child can get upset when it’s time to give someone else a turn with an object they want.
- When this happens, I stay calm and make it clear that actions like teasing, are not okay.
- I give my child some control by asking, “Are you going to give it, or should I?”
- It can also be helpful to get my child interested in something else.
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- My child doesn’t like to stop playing to go to the bathroom but I know that forcing my child might lead to a power struggle.
- A better approach is when I suggest that my child choose a toy to play with right after using the bathroom.
- Knowing that there is something to come back to helps my child pause the play.
- It also helps both of us stay calm and avoid an argument or an accident.
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