My baby gets upset

My baby gets upset

For very young babies, crying is their main way of letting others know when they are upset or need something. And sometimes babies cry without a reason that you can see.

You can try to soothe a crying baby by singing, feeding, rocking, cuddling, or gently patting their back. However, sometimes nothing will comfort them, especially in the first few months of life.

As children get older and have other ways of communicating, they may cry or show they are upset when they are overwhelmed by big feelings like anger, sadness, or frustration. You can help them manage those feelings by being kind, staying calm, and naming their emotions (“you seem very sad”). Then you can talk to the child about what might help them calm down (“do you want to listen to some music or have a drink of water?”)

grey wave shape


- Emotions during pregnancy



Months - Crying through routines


7 - 12

Months - Crying is a type of communication


7- 12

Months - Comforting my baby


Age 1

- Separations are upsetting


Age 2

- Taking turns can be hard


Age 2

- Helping my child take a break during play


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