Staying safe with pets and babies

Staying safe with pets and babies

For your pet, having a new baby in the home will mean lots of changes. Although children and pets often grow up to be life-long friends, the initial days and weeks can be stressful. Your pet will need lots of time to prepare for your baby’s arrival.

Gradual changes are best so start several months ahead and begin by making sure your pet has a clean bill of health from your veterinarian. Ask the veterinary team for additional advice on healthy interactions between your pet and your baby.

The information below will help you to make it a smooth and safe transition for everyone.

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Focus on prevention

- Health and safety concerns for children in households with pets

Prepare your pet

- Use a doll to get your pet used to the sight, sounds and smells of a new baby

Making adjustments

- To your home and your pet’s routine

Separating a pet

- When feeding children


Teaching my child

- How to interact with pets safely


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